Friday, June 06, 2008

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Shangri-Las

The Shangri-Las

"The Shangs", as they were/are affectionately known, got started at Andrew Jackson High School in Queens, New York in 1963. The group consisted of two sets of Sisters: Mary Weiss (lead singer) and Elizabeth Weiss...aka Betty, and identical twins Marguerite "Marge" and Mary Ann Ganser. Betty would appear SOMETIMES...when she felt like it, I guess, when she wasn't having an acne breakout or her boyfriend LET her...who knows.

Like Diana Ross & The Supremes, it was Mary Weiss (she's the one between the Gasner twins in the pic above) that was the REAL talent in The Shangri-las...and SHE was the one I fell instantly in love with the minute I saw her in one of my sisters teen magazines. So I tore her picture out of the magazine, which sent my sister into some kind of bizarre trance in which her head started twisting on her neck like fucking Linda Blair or something. Not wishing to be projectile-vomited upon, I immediately stole a couple of bucks from my brothers' cash stash (the mag was only like, 50 cents, but hey, I needed the extra pocket money, OK?...whatever...whatever) and promptly purchased (<---say that 3 times really fast) a NEW copy. I gave my sis her torn pic and her mag back and kept the new one just in case there might be some other cool teen chicks in there I might like to view ...while in the bathroom.

It was a pretty tough time for me because I was still coming off another love relationship (in my mind) with Hayley Mills, and I knew Mary would probably not show any interest in me (just like Hayley didn't), mainly because neither of them had any knowledge of my existence....BUT I knew if I could just meet her for a few sex, I mean secs...seconds, I KNEW that if I could just lock eyes, and possibly lock lips with her (and dare I say...SLIP HER THE TONGUE), that she TOO would fall under MY spell and we would both live happily ever after with all her money. Ah well, as Shakespeare or some other talkative person may have once said, Alas and Alack (what the hell does alack mean anyway? is that the way you even spell it?) 'twas never meant to be.

The good news is that Mary has a new album released just this week! It's called Dangerous Game and it has some of the feel of her music from back then. Hey! Maybe there's still hope! Maybe...just maybe, I could catch up with her at a concert somewhere and...I don't know if she's married or not and so what if I am...this is FANTASY STUFF! Mary, sweet Mary, I remember walking in the sand...with my mind...feel my sweaty palm? Oh Mary...Mary...Mary.

GibBITS - Before he was Superstar Billy Joel, he was an unknown studio session musician, who, as it happened, played on the original demo recording of "Remember (Walking In The Sand)" and further research reveals that he also played piano on the original recording of "Leader of the Pack"!